
Our belief

(Annam Brahma Raso Vishnu, Pakto Deva Maheshwara, and Janakatva Tu Yo Bhunte, Anna Dosho Na Lipyate)

Meaning - The creative energy in food is BRAHMA.The nourishing energy in the body is VISHNU.The transformation of food into pure consciousness is SHIVA

If you know then & not than any impurities in the food you eat will never become part of you.


Mother Nature


Artificial Intelligence


Best of traditions & modern science


BMI Calculator

Male Female








Why choose us

Exlpore best offer for you

  • Nutritional assessment
  • Healthy Daily Life
  • Psychological help
  • Meal planning and analysis
  • Physical activities
  • Weight assessment
Learn More

Pl book an appointment with our Health Officer by :

Mobile : +91-9310476188

Landline : 011-35718232

Email : [email protected]

We have 3 levels of assisted programs. Fees depend upon initial diagnosis by the health officer.Initial diagnosis is free of cost

6 Months Assisted Program

9 Months Assisted Program

12 Months Assisted Program

Our programs works in a 3 stage process ?

3 Stage Process

Step 1 : Evaluation Process

Health officer have a detailed discussion and captures basic information (BMI.Blood test resports) and create a unique case number


Step 2 : Design Transformation Roadmap

Based on discussion a transformation roadmap being shared - Existing State to desired roadmap being created with focus on Nutrition,Exercise and phschological

Step 3 : Implementation

Milestone evaluation and consistent support help you to go through the transformation journey.

Duration depend on assessment by the Health Officer recommendations.

Xplore Urself does not believe in giving fad diets but get into the root of the issue and make holistic changes

You can start with 6 Months Program

You will start feeling some improvement from 2nd Month onwards. Exact time period will be told by the health officer

How to start

It's easy to start today!


One-on-one consult

You have the ability to make your own schedule.


Personalised Indian food plans

You have the ability to make your own schedule.


Improved health parameters

You have the ability to make your own schedule.


Visible and measurable results

You have the ability to make your own schedule.

Success Story

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